Daily Bonus
Come everyday to claim your Daily Bonus! Bonus multiplicator will increase every continuous day you claim till the end of each month!
Daily bonus come back everyday at 0H00 GMT.
Mining Rate
Before 1000 Hpower, Mining rate is calculated from a logarithm base. For each HPower you own, a calculation is done to know what's the amount of currency to increase. The more your Hpower is near 1000, the less the amount increase. We have also a logBase variable which vary depends on BTC/USD and Ad networks strength.
Real Mining Function
Yes! You can do it to hugely increase your earnings. To do so, just click the MINE button of the currency you want to mine. After that, you can leave the page and go to the "Mining for real" page to mine.
You need to keep the Real mining window open in order to keep the real mining working.
To avoid bot usage and abuse of our website, we have put in the website some tracker that can detect a strange behavior on your account activity.
All the PENDING withdraw have to be APPROVED before the payout to be sent.
So if your Withdraw is UNDER REVIEW, you have to wait the administrator to check your account to approve it manually.
If your account has been detected as :
BOT USAGE : Depending on the gravity, your withdraw can be refund at 80% or just cancelled without any ability of reclamation.
MULTI-ACCOUNT (> 3 per ip) : Depending on the gravity, your withdraw can be refund at 80% or just cancelled without any ability of reclamation.
UNDER REVIEW Withdraw can take more than 3 months to be checked.